The policy of
this website is to respect the copyrights of others.By submitting text or photographic materials
to the webmaster for use on this website, you thereby grant a license to the
webmaster and this website to use such materials without limitation.
This website
also contains what we believe to be out-of-print, and otherwise unavailable
materials related to the Chinook line of motorhomes that are now out of
production due to the bankruptcy of the manufacturer.
We provide this
information solely for the non-commercial use by Chinook owners.But for the corporate bankruptcy, this
information would otherwise be part of the printed material provided in the
motorhome owner resource packet.
representation is made as to the currency or accuracy of the materials
displayed or available for downloading, and all liability for reliance on this
information is expressly disclaimed.USE
If you believe
that we are mistakenly displaying inappropriate content, please advise the
webmaster and we will correct as necessary.